Just came in the mail today and putting it to work immediately. I've tried a few things over the years with little success other than rolling out the wire as needed. I have high hopes for this bad boy. I deliberately tried making the wire pull as difficult as I could and it was like I wasn't pulling anything at all.

The wire wheel is the bomb... I LOVE THIS THING. I'll take it over a helper... if you do not have one get one you will not be disappointed.

Best tool money can buy! Gonna have to pick up another one!!

We just purchased the wire wheel to try out. Have to say, it's the best wire pulling tool out there. Hands down. The owner, Jerry hit a homer with this one. Check it out on his page. Guaranteed you'll be happy with it.
We will always support a business that supports its client base. You guys rock! no joke!

Amazing Product! Absolutely love using it, Romex comes out extremely clean!

The Wire Wheel was put into service today. And boy, did it deliver. We were able to pull long runs, with only 1 person. Usually would take 2 people, so it definitely was a labor saver, right out of the box. With 2 or 3 time of use, it will pay for itself, guaranteed! Glad I purchased this product, and will probably be getting a 2nd unit shortly. If you are an electrician, you have got to get this product. No joke. The unit will pay for itself, if you're concerned about the cost. Wish I had this many years ago. Thanks Jerry! You built a winner!

Hands down the best wire spinner on the market, I haven't had to go down a ladder to get the "Romex" undone sinse we started using the Wire Wheel, Worth every penny!

Worth every penny!

Love these wire wheels, we own 10 of them!

This isn't the last time I am going to mention the wire wheel. I swear if you haven't had a chance to try one of these spinners you are really missing out! Pulling homers with ease with the wire wheel.

Been using these for a few months now. Absolute game changer!

I have never used a better wire dispenser for rolls 250'. Hands down this is the easiest way to pull NM or MC. If you haven't tried this product out yet, I highly recommend you order one of these and give it a shot, you won't regret it. Lastly, one of the cool things about this company is that Jerry, the owner and creator often picks up the phone when you place an order, Thanks again for making such an amazing product!

Phone Number